Yixing Teapot

Yixing Teapot

How to Avoid Pitfalls When Buying Yixing Teapots?

The Choice of Clay Material is Crucial A good Yixing teapot starts with selecting high-quality clay. Even with exceptional craftsmanship, if the clay is subpar, the overall

Yixing Teapot

The Historical Saga of Yixing Tea Pots

What does Yixing Mean? When it comes to Yixing tea pots, people often mention the “Pottery Capital” – Yixing in Jiangsu province. Some even buy teapots solely based on whether

Yixing Teapot

What Is a Real Yixing Clay Pot?

But what exactly is a real Yixing purple clay teapot? In a market flooded with counterfeits, this question is being raised more frequently. Today, I will tell you

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