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Hello, everyone! This is a paradise for Chinese tea lovers. Here you can not only get knowledge about Chinese tea sets (yixing teapots, gaiwan, gongfu teacup), but also enjoy the charm of Chinese tea culture. Now, let’s start together!

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Pu-erh Tea

9 Pu Erh Tea Side Effects and Solutions

In the previous article, I discussed the 10 benefits of Pu-erh tea. Undoubtedly, Pu-erh tea is a healthy and safe beverage, especially for those aiming

Tea Benefits

Loose Leaf Tea vs. Tea Bags, Which Is Better?

Greetings, fellow tea enthusiasts! Throughout my years of tea adventures, one question keeps coming back: which is superior, loose leaf tea or tea bags? While

Tea Benefits

Is There Caffeine in Green Tea?

“Yes, green tea contains caffeine!” There, I said it. Now, before you start rethinking your daily tea ritual, give me a few moments to delve

Yixing Teapot

5 Reasons: Why Yixing Teapots are Expensive?

Yixing Zisha teapots are expensive for a variety of reasons, mainly the following 5: rare Zisha raw materials, expensive labor costs, the master’s brand premium,